Henry turned seven years old, and was fortunate enough to have both sets of grandparents at his birthday party.
Here I am, looking very tied, but reveling in having everyone together:

We had a wonderful, whirlwind visit with my in-laws, and I was truly grateful for the opportunity, yet again, to have everyone together. Each time, I know it could be the last, so we all make the most of it. My husband's parents are not just my in-laws, they are very good friends to me and my parents, and I feel so lucky to have them in my life. They are kind and patient with Dad and all his memory lapses, and I can talk bluntly with my father in law about the harsh realities of Dad's illness. He lost his father to lung cancer as well, and knows all to intimately how difficult it is, how tiring it can be. I'm fortunate to have people like them in my family.
I find life to be exhaustingly busy, and yet somehow at a standstill. My usually full calendar is utterly empty of any and all reminders, save for doctor's appointments. It would seem, on the surface of it all, that I have nothing going on. But we all know not to trust the image on the surface, it's never the truth.
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