Friday, August 28, 2009

I've been waiting on test results before I posted anything new, and after several trips to the doctor, several scans, and many frustrating phone calls, Mom finally got the results: there is indeed cancer on several parts of Dad's spine. This is not unexpected, Dad has been weakening gradually over the last several months, and even with relatively good results from his chest CT and brain MRI, something has just been terribly off. He has been in a fair amount of pain, and he has had trouble walking. One leg appears to drag from time to time, almost like someone who has had a stroke. He began radiation today, it is Dr. Massey's hope that this will alleviate the pain and difficulty walking, though it may not do any good at all. He also has chemo on Tuesday, and we're not sure if Dr. Kelly will want to continue treatments if the cancer is spreading to other areas.

Nothing is set in stone, we cannot predict what the next few days or weeks will bring. I am no seer, but I can tell you that none of this is good news, and we are all too aware that Dad is living on borrowed time. There are hard decisions to be made sooner rather than later. Dad continues to fight on, he has not given up. He will not give up. Please send a prayer out for him, for Mom, and for our family.

1 comment:

T said...

You all are in my thoughts and prayers as always. I love you